
Tweens’ Conceptions of Privacy Online

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Cultivating Ethical Thinking among Digital Youth

Workshop Description

This interactive workshop focuses on digital citizenship by focusing on the ethical dimensions of young people’s participation in new media environments, such as blogs, multiplayer games, and social networks like Facebook. Katie Davis and Erhardt Graeff, both researchers on the GoodPlay Project at Harvard’s Project Zero, will share relevant research findings; provide an overview of a digital ethics casebook developed for use in schools and other learning environments; and engage participants in a curricular activity aimed at cultivating ethical thinking among youth.

The GoodPlay Project

Research Assistant on a MacArthur Foundation-funded project studying the ethical character of tween’s activities in the new digital media, December 2009 – March 2012.


The GoodPlay Project at Project Zero

Details of Work

  • Managed research study approval with local public school district administration
  • Administered pre-interview surveys to tweens in three different public school districts, two online and one on paper
  • Developed and implemented SurveyMonkey filter for selecting survey participants for interviews based on reported internet and cell phone use, balanced sample for gender and race/ethnicity
  • Coordinated interviews with 43 tweens at their schools, two per participant
  • Personally conducted interviews with 16 tweens, or 32 total interviews
  • Coded half the interviews for instances relevant to the online ethical faultlines of “participation”, “credibility”, and “authorship/ownership”
  • Wrote four coding memos dealing with aspects of cyberbullying
  • Developed original research paper on cyberbullying, using ethical dilemmas posed in the interviews

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